Monday, May 23, 2016


Hither, child, hither,
A tale I must share,
Of a time long gone,
A time of freedom,
Of life, of love,
Of joy unbound,
A time that might still be.

Much there was,
Much to share,
Much to keep,
Much to let you be,
To sleep in peace,
It was a time of need.

Time now is that of want,
Abundance there is,
And we make more,
And yet more we want,
We want to have what we do not need,
And what we need but can no more see.


I visit you often,
In subtle noises,
In deafening silences,
In the deepest highs,
In my hopeless dreams.

Yes, it is there is see,
Is it you, may be me,
A sheet of glass, a mirror, could be,
Shall I touch, my I feel,
May be not, let it be.

No, I wish, I must,
Know who it is,
Confront, lest I lose,
What could yet be,
The best of you, the best of me.